A PhD scholarship in Biochemistry has been announced for the academic year 2011. The PhD scholarship is in association with the Institute of Nuclear Sciences, France. The research area for this PhD scholarship is Biochemistry / Life Sciences, Structural biology / Life Sciences.

Title: Study of SERCA1 and of other Ca2+ ATPases: expression, purification and characterization.

The objectives of this project are:
- to express and purify various Ca2+-ATPases by using the procedure developped in our laboratory in an heterologous system in yeast (Jidenko et al., PNAS, 2005) allowing the obtention of crystals able to diffract X-rays. Their structural and functional characterization will be performed. During the thesis the a main effort will be focused on human SERCA3 . Mutation of this gene have been found in patients suffering from type II diabetis. The work will be i) to clone this isoform in view of heterologous expression in yeast and trials of expression. ii) scale up the procedure to obtain large amount of protein. iii)characterization (iv) crystalization trials

Institut de Biologie et de Technologies de Saclay
Service de Bioénergétique, Biologie Stucturale, et Mécanismes
Laboratoire de Protéine Membranaires / ATPase Calcium
Centre : Saclay

Contact person:
CNRS/Université / DSV/IBITEC-S
Email : marc.lemaire@cea.fr
Phone: 01 69 08 62 43

University/Graduate School: Paris XI

Thesis supervisor:
CNRS/Université / DSV/IBITEC-S

Note: Application deadline to the PhD scholarship in Biochemistry, Saclay, France is March end, 2011.

Please mention scholarships4phd.blogspot.com on your application while applying for this scholarship.

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