INRIA is running a competitive entry recruitment campaign for five junior research scientists. Three of the five positions have been allocated geographically, at INRIA Bordeaux, INRIA Lille and INRIA Saclay, with two unallocated. To find out more, see the application procedure below, together with our research fields.

Application conditions
To be accepted for competitive entry for junior research scientist grade positions, applicants must hold a PhD. The INRIA evaluation committee will judge the equivalence of any other qualifications and work. There are no nationality or age conditions to competitive entry.
Competitive entry procedure

Pre-selection of applications: The eligibility panel studies the applications of applicants eligible for competitive entry. After deliberating, the panel compiles a list of applicants eligible to continue the competitive entry procedure, and an invitation is sent to those applicants to attend personal interviews.

Interviews and decision on acceptability: Applicants eligible for continuing the competitive entry procedure are then interviewed. After deliberation, the eligibility panel compiles a list of acceptable candidates.

Acceptance results: a second panel, the acceptance panel, then compiles a list of accepted candidates.

Application procedure: The application form can be downloaded from the website of INRIA. Please follow the link 5 Junior Research Scientist positions, INRIA, France.

Note: Please note the deadline for application to the 5 Junior Research Scientist positions, INRIA, France is 16 February, 2011.

Please mention on your application while applying for this scholarship.

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