A PhD scholarship has been announced by CEA in association with Supelec. The PhD scholarship aims its research area in Molecular biophysics / Life Sciences/Biochemistry / Life Sciences.

Title: Study of proteins involved in the regulation of Manganese homeostasis by advanced High-Field Electron Paramagnetic Resonance spectroscopy

Abstract: The LMESS is a state-of-the-art high-field electron paramagnetic resonance (HFEPR) laboratory interested in the study of manganese in biological systems. Mn is an essential element but exposition to high levels is related to neurodegenerative diseases. Mn also determines the degree of virulence of several. However, how Mn is transported inside the cell and transferred to specific proteins is by far less understood than for other metals. We propose the study of the MntR protein that regulates Mn uptake in cells by binding to specific DNA regions. MntR binds two Mn(II) ions per monomer and it has been shown to adopt different conformations. The different states of MntR will be studied by HFEPR, ENDOR and PELDOR. These studies will give us a precise view on how MntR interacts with Mn and with and DNA. As these processes also involve larger conformational changes, the studies will be complemented with fluorescence measurements at the single molecule level. In this way we will gain a detailed view of the functioning of MntR from small changes at the Mn electronic structure level up to global structural dynamics. The results of the research will help to a better understanding the homeostasis of this important metal.
We are a multi-national team and we offer an interdisciplinary and dynamic environment to a highly motivated student willing to take part in this challenging project.

Institut de Biologie et de Technologies de Saclay
Service de Bioénergétique, Biologie Stucturale, et Mécanismes
RPE Aux champs
Centre : Saclay

Application procedure:
To apply to the PhD scholarship in Molecular Science, Supelec, France send your resume and Sop to the following person by email

iBiTec-S / SB2SM / LMESS
CEA Saclay - Bât. 532 - Pce 215
91191 Gif-Sur-Yvette cedex
Email : leandro.tabares@cea.fr
Phone: +3 31 69 08 75 79

More about the scholarship visit the PhD scholarship link.

University/Graduate School: Paris VI

Note: Application deadline to the PhD scholarship in Molecular Science, Supelec, France is 11 March, 2011.

Please mention scholarships4phd.blogspot.com on your application while applying for this scholarship.

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