The CIMET Consortium, composed of four European Universities renowned within the color research community, offers a two-year Erasmus Mundus European Master (MSc) scholarship in Informatics and Media Technology. CIMET offers three areas of specialization: Color Imaging Science, Spectral Color Science and Media Technology. These fields, being emergent, rapidly evolving, and of growing impact on the Information Society Technologies, require specialists and specialized competencies.

Admission requirements
The following aspects of your application will be checkout by the Academic coordinators. Do not overlook your motivation statement since it is an integrant part of your application file.

1. Academic record
Excellence of the candidate: outstanding achievement in the applicant's BSc degree level (i.e. 180 ECTS in the European system) or equivalent, in physics, optics, imaging science, computer science, mathematics or any discipline pertaining to the quantitative description of color The applicants must have at least a C average on ECTS grading scale, or equivalent, during their undergraduate studies.
2. Language
Language ability: teaching and examination being given in English, the candidate must demonstrate sound knowledge of the language (the requirement for competence in English is equivalent to TOEFL with at least 213 points (computer based)/550 points (paper based)/95 points Internet based or IELTS at grade 6.5, or a Cambridge Proficiency Certificate of English at least grade C). A letter from your University will be accepted if the English language was the medium of teaching throughout your degree.
Knowledge of French, Spanish, Finnish, and Norwegian is not compulsory but would be beneficial.
3. Motivation
Describe your motivation to undertake the Masters and relevance to your professional development.

For more details on application procedure please visit the scholarships link.

Note: The application deadline to the Erasmus Mundus master scholarships in Informatics and Media technology is end of January for every year.

Please mention on your application while applying for this scholarship.

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